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Raynigon - Blog

A Blog about Spring, Kotlin, Java, DevOps and many more topics from my daily work.

Architecture for a Micro Mobility Cloud

Architecture for a Micro Mobility Cloud

Published Jun 18, 2023 by Simon Schneider

TLDR: With a modern cloud architecture it is possible to handle the data of more than two million bikes.The key components are RabbitMQ as MQTT broker, Kafka as event store and message queue and El...

Database management with(out) Terraform

Database management with(out) Terraform

Published Jun 11, 2023 by Simon Schneider

TLDR: When using K8s try to move the database management to manifests and apply them with a custom operator e.g. Postgres Operator. This approach will reduce the workload on SREs and allows develop...

QA for search results

QA for search results

Published Jun 3, 2023 by Simon Schneider

Introduction"As a user I want to find the item I want to interact with."This user story is one of the most complicated ones to implement.The average user does not care how a search engine generates...

Rayd.io on the Raspberry Pi

Rayd.io on the Raspberry Pi

Published Feb 28, 2021 by Simon Schneider

IntroductionI went to visit my parents, during the pandemic, it didnt happen as often as before.We sat together for dinner and my dad told me about his broken hi-fi set.The CD-Player was broken aga...

Unit API + Spring Boot (1)

Unit API + Spring Boot (1)

Published Feb 26, 2021 by Simon Schneider

TLDR; If you work with SI-Units/Quantities in your application, try out the Unit API which is an implementation of JSR-385 with focus on the SI System redefinition, modularity and support for Java ...

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